Sunday, 7 May 2017

Brilliant Ways To Make Your Roof More Energy-efficient

Non energy efficient roof will make your house really hot! So how do we fix it? Should we replace the roof or can we do something to make it more energy efficient in cheaper ways?

  • Choose a lighter colour for your roof. Roof colour makes a big difference in the amount of heat that enters your home. Dark roofs absorb light and heat. A light coloured roof will reflect the heat and not transfer it to the interior of your home. The easiest way is to paint a cool roof coating onto an existing roof. If you’re already re-roofing or building a new residence, consider replacing shingles or asphalt with light-coloured versions. If you have a flat-top roof, it is better to use the sheets of fibre-reinforced white PVC membranes
  • Improve the insulation under the roof. Many homes do not have enough insulation in the attic. Adding insulation can prevent heat from penetrating into the interior of your home. A properly insulated roof can help maintain the temperature in your home regardless of the temperature outside. The material you choose will depend heavily on the type of house you have and the climate you live in. Our experts have advice on everything from the high-tech solutions such as home foam insulation and cellulose insulation to simpler options such as fibreglass or cotton batting. Those with open beams especially cathedral ceilings in cooler climates should also consider a radiant barrier, simple reflective film that wraps around beams and reflects heat rather than absorbing it. No matter what material you choose, it is a generally good idea to leave an air space between the insulation and the roofing material. Although in very dry climates and with some metal roofing it may not be necessary, an air space will typically reduce the possibility of moisture getting trapped in the structure or the insulation and causing mildew to grow
  • Consider an alternative to asphalt shingles. Roofing materials like sheet metal or clay tiles can add a unique look to your home while still improving you energy efficiency. Both of these materials reflect heat rather than absorbing it, helping to prevent unwanted heat from entering your home
Image result for home ventilation
  • Improve the ventilation. Even the most energy efficient roof is still going to result in some heat getting your attic. A quality ventilation system can help to exhaust the hot air out of your attic. Active systems that use a fan can be programmed to turn on at a specific temperature so that they only turn on when needed
Conservation: It doesn't cost. It saves
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  1. The selection of indoor and outdoor color is very helpful in the flow of heat and also gives emotions to the inhabitants. I agree with all these tips.

    1. Glad to hear that from you! Thanks for keep visiting this blog!

  2. Colour memang memainkan peranan. agreed to that as well.

    1. Thanks for the comment. You're right. Colours may look not important but they play a crucial role in making our house more energy efficient.

  3. ooo now i know. Its important to choose colours on roof top. thanks for sharing :)

    1. Of course it's important! People often ignore it because they don't really care about being more energy efficient.

  4. warna bumbung pon penting ya?? barulah tau kepentingan setiap warna bumbung.. lepas ni mesti mata asik tgk warna-warna bumbung rumah orang..hehehe..

    1. Haa,don't forget to look at where you drive@walk. Thanks for being aware of it.

  5. Normally developers tend to put on dark color as the color is more "mnyerlah" compared to light one. But after this..we shud consider roof color as well instead of roof type

    1. That's right,Alia. People should be more considerate about this.

  6. Owhhh... Baru tahu. Warna kaler bumbung pon memainkan peranan juga yer. Thanks for the info.

  7. indeed.. tapi boleh beri penerangan lebih jelas bagaimana utk mengurangkan haba panas dr dlm runah. kebanyakkan rumah skrg bila cuaca panas boleh terasa bahang terutama rumah yg tinggi

    1. If you're living in either apartment or terrace house,you could use ventilator to absorb the heat.

  8. Interesting tips! Reminds me of the days when i used to study architecture. Too bad i dont practice architecture :( Great tips btw !

