Saturday, 29 April 2017

#9 Things Nobody Tells You About Your Refrigerators And Freezers

1. Adjust the refrigerator temperature settings. Avoid placing your refrigerator on unreasonably low temperature settings. If the temperature control system doesn’t specify degrees, check the manual for corresponding settings
2. Minimize door openings as much as possible. Cool air escapes every time the refrigerator door is opened. This make it works harder to replace the air. Keep the door open no longer than necessary and be sure to close the door completely
3. Allow hot foods to cool before placing them in the refrigerator. Hot food decreases the temperature in the refrigerator temporarily forcing it to work harder to keep the air cool

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4. Keep the refrigerator full, a full refrigerator retains cold better than an empty one. If the refrigerator nearly empty, store water-filled containers inside. The mass of cold items will enable the refrigerator to recover more quickly after the door has been opened
5. Do not overfill your refrigerator or freezer since that will interfere with the circulation of cold air inside
6. Turn on the refrigerator’s “energy saver” switch. In damp environment make sure that excess condensation does not form on the inside of the refrigerator. If condensation forms, turn the “energy saver” switch off
7. Keep the refrigerator away from heat sources such as an oven, a stove  and direct sunlight from a window
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8. Check the door seals on the refrigerator. A broken seal is the same as leaving the door open. Replace the seals that are torn or partially missing. You can test it by closing the door on a sheet of paper and try to pull it out. It should be hard to pull it out. If it come out easily, you should replace the door seals to prevent cold air from leaking out
9. Avoid blocking the air flow passages to and from the condenser coils, cleaning the condenser will save energy and help the refrigerator to run better and more efficiently. The condenser coils should be cleaned once a year
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Energy misused can't be excused
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Tuesday, 25 April 2017

#17 Unexpected Cooking Ways That Will Help You To Be More Energy-efficient

1. Use a microwave rather than an oven, range or toaster whenever possible
2. Choose small appliances over big one such as a toaster oven, electric oven, electric teapot, rice cooker
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3. Cover the pans when cooking to keep the heat in
4. Turn off the burner or oven before the food is completely cooked
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5. Use a pressure cooker whenever possible. It speeds up the cooking process
6. Cook in batches, cook as much as possible in the oven in one go to make sure all the space and heats is being used. You can always freeze the portion of meals to warm up at a later date
7. Defrost the frozen food before cooking it, defrosting it in advance typically halves the cooking time which will use less energy than cooking frozen food
8. Use as little water as possible when cooking. This will speed up cooking time, saving your energy as well as reducing water waste
9. Learn how long your oven takes to pre-heat, so you’re ready to start cooking as soon as it’s up to the right temperature
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10. Cut food into smaller pieces so it will cook more quickly
11. Put just enough water in the pan to cover the vegetables
12. Bake with glass or ceramic pans which allow you to set the temperature in the oven lower than the recipe call for
13. Thaw food on metal such as in a stainless steel pan
14. Keep the grease plates under your range burners clean to ensure the most heat is being reflected up
15. Use the appropriate size burner on the range
16. Use a timer so you’re not opening your oven door to often which will cause heat loss and use up more electricity to maintain the correct temperature
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17. Consider on investing in a solar oven. These will allow you to cook meals using almost no electricity. As long as there’s sun, these are a great option for everyday cooking or when the power is out
Conserve to Preserve
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Friday, 21 April 2017

#11 Drying Tips That You Need Immediately


Assalammualaikum wbt.
[Turn off dryer] "Mom,you shouldn't use this dryer. We must save electricity,save our money!"
"So you're going to wear damp uniform to school?"
Come on,are you kidding me? You know there are many better ways than that,being energy-efficient doesn't mean that you can't wear dry and comfortable uniform to school. There's a ton of ways to be energy-efficient. Keep reading!
1. Hang your clothes to dry either on a clothesline or a clothes tree, at least some of the time.
2. Reduce ironing time by taking clothes out when they are slightly damp and hanging them up or right away when the clothes are dry. If you get to the dryer too late, you can put a damp towel inside and run the dryer for a few minutes to get the same effect
3. Empty the lint trap after each use of the dryer
4. Dry light and heavy clothing separately for maximum efficiency
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5. Make a room for drying clothes. Buy an expandable shower curtain rod and put it in the shower, hang clothes on hangers
6. Clean the filters every time you use your dryer to make sure they are free from fluff and you dryer will operate more efficiently
7. Resist the temptation to add wet items part way through a drying cycle. Far better to wait until the end of a cycle and dry clothes together. If there isn’t space in the dryer it may be a better bet to hang up those fabrics that dry quicker
8. Plan your washing so items that you want to tumble dry are all washed in the same load. That way you’re likely to fill the tumble dryer rather than washing half a load
Image result for full load drying
9. Make sure the machine is full and if possible do all your drying in one go, a second load can take advantage of the heat that has already built up in the machine
10. Remove clothes from your dryer once they are dry, as modern machines will continue to rotate to prevent creasing and therefore use more energy
11. There is a wide variation in the efficiency of machines and as they are big electricity user, it’s worth checking carefully how efficient yours is
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Waste not. Want naught
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Monday, 17 April 2017

#12 Most Effective Ways To Wash Like An Expert

1. Set your water heater to a lower setting or call a service person to adjust it for you
2. Run your dishwasher without the “drying circle” and just let dishes drip dry
3. To reduce the amount of dishes to wash, label the bottom of cups and mugs with family member’s names
4. Reduce the amount of towels to wash by labeling towels or hooks
5. Do full loads when you use washing machines and dishwashers
6. Choose cold or warm cycles over hot cycle because heating the water for laundry consumes 90% of the energy of the laundry process, you are likely to need warmer temperatures for particularly dirty clothes, bad stains or underwear
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7. Soak heavily soiled items before washing and rub collars or other stains with household soap. These are better than having to repeat the wash because stains didn’t come out
8. If you do washes frequently because you haven’t got enough particular type clothes, then it is not a bad idea to invest in a few more clothes
9. Bath sheets are typically heavyweight cotton and excessively large, so consider choosing standard lightweight bath towels to save on energy
10. Use a high spin speed so clothes come out of the washing machine almost dry, with little need for tumble drying. The best way to dry the clothes is hang your clothes up rather than using a drier
11. Skip the pre-rinse. Most dishwashers today are powerful enough to get all the gunk off, so a lot of pre-rinsing by hand is often just a waste of water and time. Plus, if you rinse all of the dirt off, your dishwasher will have nothing to wash when you throw those dishes in
12. Turn down the heat, most modern dishwasher have booster heaters to heat the water that comes from your home’s water tank. Sound pretty useless, right? Turn the water heater down tank’s thermostat down in additional energy savings without compromising on cleanliness

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Leaks make your future bleak
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